OOPS Tutorials

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer science term used to characterize a programming language that began development in the 1960’s. The term ‘object-oriented programming’ was originally coined by Xerox PARC to designate a computer application that describes the methodology of using objects as the foundation for computation. By the 1980’s, OOP rose to prominence as the programming language of choice, exemplified by the success of C++.

Currently, OOPs such as Java, J2EE, C++, C#, Visual Basic.NET, Python and JavaScript are popular OOP programming languages that any career-oriented Software Engineer or developer should be familiar with.

Object Oriented Programming Concepts Object Oriented Programming Concepts Three of the most basic concepts for object oriented programming are Classes, Objects, and Methods. However, there are a few more concepts that you will want to become familiar with. These are Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Event, and Encapsulation.

What is Object Oriented Programming? What is Object Oriented Programming? There are a number of common characteristics which are found in object oriented programming languages. Some of these are the grouping of data and functions, a separation of the interface with the implementation, and the sharing of code. At the most basic level…

The History of Object Oriented Programming The History of Object Oriented Programming The basis for OOP started in the early 1960s. A breakthrough involving instances and objects was achieved at MIT with the PDP-1, and the first programming language to use objects was Simula 67. It was designed for the purpose of creating simulations, and …

Object Oriented Programming Object Oriented Programming Traditionally, programming languages have been divided into two categories, and these are data and procedures which are carried out on data. By itself, data is static. It will not be static when procedures are carried out which can alter it.

Object Oriented Programming Overview Object Oriented Programming Overview If you are not familiar with an object-oriented programming language, you will first need to understand the foundation that makes up this paradigm. It is a necessity for anyone who plans on writing code. In this article, I will explain the basic OOP structures …

The Importance of Inheritance Within OOP The Importance of Inheritance Within OOP In an object-oriented programming language that is well designed, a function should be able to have functions that reside inside it. In addition to this, other functions should be processed as input and output as well. When an OOP language uses these featur…

The Inheritance Concept In OOPs The Inheritance Concept In OOPs In object oriented programming, objects will be characterised by classes. It is possible to learn a lot about an object based on the class it belongs to. Even if you are not familiar with the name Maybach, If I told you it is a car, you would immediately know that i…

A Object Oriented Programming Lesson For Beginners A Object Oriented Programming Lesson For Beginners In this article I will go over object oriented programming in relation to PHP. This article will be especially useful to those who already have a simple knowledge of programming and variables. You should know what a variable is, and you should als…

The Use of Access Specifiers In Object Oriented Programming The Use of Access Specifiers In Object Oriented Programming In object oriented programming, a variable will have a certain range. This range can be defined as the place where it can be viewed. In most cases, there are two simple models that are used, and these are lexically scoped and dynamically …

Class-based Object Oriented Programming Class-based Object Oriented Programming Class-based object oriented programming is a style that gains inheritance by processing classes as objects. The most prominent style of OOP is class-based instead of object-based. With the class-based OOP system, objects are units that merge states, identiti…

The OOP Paradigm The OOP Paradigm Object oriented programming is a concept that was created because of the need to overcome the problems that were found with using structured programming techniques. While structured programming uses an approach which is top down, OOP uses an approach which is bottom up. Traditiona…

Object Oriented Programming As a Paradigm Object Oriented Programming As a Paradigm There has been debate about the proper definition to give to object oriented programming. There has also been some debate about the primary idea behind the concept. In a nutshell, object oriented programming is the technique of writing application text tha…

Object Oriented Programming Lessons Object Oriented Programming Lessons If you are familiar with the programming field, it is likely that you have heard people talking about object oriented programming languages. If Java is the first programming language you have worked with, you are probably wandering why so many people are talking…

Understanding Classes Within Object Oriented Programming Understanding Classes Within Object Oriented Programming To fully understand object oriented programming, you will want to be familiar with classes. When you look at the world around you, it will become obvious that many objects are the same type. For example, the car you drive is just one of the …

Understanding The Message Concept In OOPs Understanding The Message Concept In OOPs To understand object oriented programming, you will need to become familiar with messages. As the name implies, a message is a process in which software objects will communicate with one another. Because of this, having one object is not enough.

Object Oriented Programming Issues Object Oriented Programming Issues There are a number of errors that programmers can make when they are using an object oriented programming languages. One example of this is looking at the type of object instead of the membership it is associated with. When this happens, the advantages of polymor…

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